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5 ways to grow your business inexpensively

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Growing your business doesn't have to cost the earth. In fact, if you’re willing to be just a little proactive, it can be done for free.

Build your business

  1. Sign-write your van and buy an A board
    For tradesmen, sign-writing your vehicle is a must. If you’re working on someone’s house, make sure you park your van in such a way that it can be seen side-on when people pass by and better still, get a sign-written A board so that everyone can see the services you provide. You’ll be surprised at how many people will see this when passing and, of course, if you’re working on the property for a couple of days or more, it’s there even when you’re not.
  2. Leaflet drop 5 doors each way
    This takes hardly any time to do, but can make all the difference. Get an inexpensive leaflet or business card created and post one through the letter box of the 5 houses to the left and the right of the house you’re working on. Make sure you write the number of the house you’re working on somewhere on the leaflet, so people can see and potentially ask the homeowner what they think to your workmanship.
  3. Ask to be recommended
    Recommendation is the best form of advertising – it’s without doubt the cheapest and the one which will convert most. However, being recommended is not something you can easily control. That shouldn't stop you asking your customers to let their friends, families or neighbours know about you and your full range of services. You might want to offer a bit of an incentive (something of high value to them but low cost to you) to help loosen their tongues!
  4. Gather email addresses and send a reminder
    If the service you provide is one that customers buy infrequently, make sure you keep in touch. Don’t be fooled into thinking your customers will remember you forever – they won’t. Even if they've been delighted with the work you've done, the first thing they’ll forget is your phone number, followed very quickly by your company name. When they you’re your service again, how can you make sure they call you? Most people have an email address these days so why not keep in touch with them via email, monthly, quarterly or just annually. It’s free and easy to use.
  5. Don’t forget to tell people of your full range of services!
    Existing customers make the best prospects if you want to increase sales, but do all your existing customers know of all the services you provide? How many of your satisfied customers will look elsewhere when they want a job doing because they “didn't know you did that”? You may want to tell them during a quick ‘satisfaction survey’ follow-up call to your customer (doing this will really set you apart from your competition). Alternatively, a simple, pre-written “Thank you for your custom” email once you have completed the job, which lists the other services you provide, can often lead to additional work.


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